首頁    關於"達伶的家"民宿    訂房注意事項 Reminders for Room Reservation
訂房注意事項 Reminders for Room Reservation

icon_02.gif 訂位專線
Direct line

TEL: 08-7834236 , 0922293269

icon_02.gif 平假日定義
Definition of weekdays and weekend

假日:週五~週日 ; 平日:週一 ~ 週四
Weekend: Fridays to Sundays;
Weekdays: Mondays to Thursdays

icon_02.gif 預付訂金說明< /b>
Payment of deposit for room reservation

預約訂房後,需預付1/2訂金,未付訂金者視同放棄訂 房
You have to pay 1/2 of the rent as deposit after reserving the room. People who fail to do so will be considered giving up the reservation.

icon_02.gif 進退房時間< /b>
Time for check-in and check-out

CHECK IN 下午3點後 ; CHECK OUT 上午 11 點前
Check-in: After 3pm: Check-out: Before 11am

© 2010 -  鶉園休閒農場 版權所有- All rights reserved.
鶉園休閒農場 - 屏東縣萬巒鄉萬金村營區路一巷8號 TEL:08-7831592 08-7831530 FAX:08-7831604
鶉園休閒農場達伶的家民宿 - Facebook